- The book is printed on high quality paper.
- Booksize is Thai-Standard
- 68 fully coloured pages + 12 pages Index.
- Highly detailed.
- Illustrations are kept in Thai-style.
- More then 1800 words of german active vocabulary for everyday use.
- All illustrations are taken out of the daily thailife and routine.
- Verbs are marked in red for easy identification by new learners.
- Things which belong to the topic, but which are not on the page are marked with a green star.
- German-Thai picturedictinary with the phonetics written in thai for a better understanding
About the German Thai picturedictionary
–> This picture dictionary received three letters of recommendation. One from the German Section of the Thammasat University in Bangkok, one from the German Section of the Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok and another one by the Goethe Institut in Bangkok.
–> Kind support was given in it’s preparation by Prof. Dr. Volker Grabowsky (Westfälische Wilhelms – University Münster) as well as Mrs. Carolin Wiangwang (CTA Translation Pattaya) and Mr. Surapricha Sutham (Major Translation Solutions), who both are sworn translators and interpreters of the german court.
–> To order this German Thai picturedictionary Click here
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